Thursday, October 4, 2012

Sunday Brings out my Sin (Grace for the Good Girl)

Does Sunday morning ever seem to bring out the sin in you, or is it just me? Getting the kids ready for church, actually attempting to do my own hair and makeup for once, and then going out in PUBLIC with my crew...
It is hard work, and I do not always go to church with a shining halo.
Last Sunday was no exception.


What a morning. It was actually going pretty well until that last few minutes before church.  The fighting and the fighting, and then suddenly the sharpie on the couch. 

WHAT!?  Sharpie on my SUEDE couch!!!
PhotobucketAnd my tongue loosed hellfire on them, on the big brother even more than the guilty 2yr old because he had the marker in the first place. 

And then they leave for church and again (AGAIN!) they fight and I am ANGRY and I give them the what- for.  My lecture was loud and long and complete with immature statements like “You guys have SO many sins to confess when you go to church today!” 
I suddenly realize it’s Sunday morning, and quiet, and we are outside, and my voice might be carrying and I am ashamed.
I am near tears, and yet the anger is not gone nor are the constant irritations.

Church next, and there it gets worse.
Their wiggles make me want to smash them.
The sermon is on humility, and taking the last seat instead of grabbing the first.

Pastor calls up the children and they gather around him for the children's sermon. I try to act like I think they are all so cute, and I listen.
And my God does work on my heart.

Again, I am shocked  at myself.
For two reasons.

One – the rage is a symptom of my ridiculous pride.
I shouldn't have to deal with this. I shouldn't have to help you guys work out your problems all day long. I should be able to have a couch without marker on it. I should be able to think without being interrupted by your NEEDS.

Two- even my tearful worry about this is pride.
That one really hurt.

How do I know that even my burning tears were pride? 
Because my tongue lashes out like this daily, but only this day am I upset to the point of tears about it. And suddenly I see: I am upset because I almost got caught. Because my rage came out in public, and I may or may not have been overheard, and if I WAS overheard, then… what do they think? 
My reputation! Oh my poor reputation!  And so the tears.

Not the children. 
Not the fact that my rage wounds those that I “love,” but my reputation. 
That’s what I really care about.  

Exposed. Proud in anger, and proud even in ‘shame’ about that anger.

My heart, Lord. 
You have SO much work to do on this heart of mine.
Lord, have mercy.

And again, He does.

I apologize to the kids right there in whispered words in the front pew, and they whisper grace back to me.
“I forgive you mommy. And I’m sorry, too.  Here, I drew you a picture.”

His grace reconciles us sinners, and His grace makes even someone like me lift my head.  
I am found. I am forgiven, and I am loved.

Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world.


  1. A to the men. this post is me on every sunday. crazy. thanks lady!

  2. This is's SO tough isn't it???!!!

  3. You are not alone! Thank you for sharing with WIP!

  4. Oh what a timely message! Christ changed places with me! Hope you do better this Sunday! But if you don't, there's always the next Sunday and the next!!!
    I go to mass every day and I try to CONCENTRATE on what's happening and not to allow my mind to wander (especialy during the homily!) But i am not always successful, and I tell myself, there's always tomorrow to try better!! Patsy from
    HeARTworks and

  5. So precious. I love what He did, what a deep truth from a little one. Christ changed places with me.


    Yes, He did!

  6. Thank you for sharing such an honest message!

  7. Thank you for sharing your heart Emily! This is a beautifully vulnerable post injected with precious hope for we both know, as God reveals all these things to us- we have the opportunity to be healed, transformed, and led into deeper intimacy with Him!
    God bless you dear sister.

  8. Beautiful. I have been there many times. I'm so glad for God's grace. What a sweet note, treasure it always. Thank you for linking up at Leaving A Legacy.


  9. "Their wiggles make me want to smash them." Haha, perfectly describes my own immature sin/breaking the 5th commandment with my anger and impatience with my kids.

  10. I have found some of the biggest lessons I've learned at church have been on Sundays when I was in a bad mood or didn't want to be there. God definitely meets us where ever we are. Such an honest reminder. Thanks! And thanks for linking up at the Fulfilled Fridays Linkup on Living in Green Grass.


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