Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Will you read a book with me?

There are certain books I like to read with a pen in my hand.
(Not novels. I read those for fun, like I watch TV.)

I'm talking about the books that try to change my life: the books I will spend hours with, the ones that inspire me to journal, to read God's Word, to hold tight to truths and ideas within them and incorporate them into my everyday life.

I do this with a pen in my hand, and later, a keyboard.
If I'm really blessed, I can find a whole group of people to read along with me, speaking their ideas and bouncing them off mine and the author's and each other- sharpening and inspiring and wrestling out truth so it can be planted in our lives and grow.

Would you like join me?
Let's read a book together!

Grace for the Good Girl: Letting Go of the Try-Hard Life
(Buy it on Amazon)

From the Back Cover

You're strong. You're responsible. You're good. But . . .. . . as day fades to dusk, you begin to feel the familiar fog of anxiety, the weight and pressure of holding it together and of longing left unmet. Good girls sometimes feel that the Christian life means doing hard work with a sweet disposition. We tend to focus only on the things we can handle, our disciplined lives, and our unshakable good moods.

But what would happen if we let grace pour out boundless acceptance into our worn-out hearts and undo us? If we dared to talk about the ways we hide, our longing to be known, and the fear in the knowing?

In Grace for the Good Girl, Emily Freeman invites you to release your tight hold on that familiar, try-hard life and lean your weight heavy into the love of Jesus. With an open hand, a whimsical style, and a heart bent brave toward adventure, Emily encourages you to move from your own impossible expectations toward the God who has graciously, miraculously, and lovingly found you.

In other words,
Be weak and LOVED!

If you'd like to read along with me, you can click here for the reading schedule. I won't be checking up on you or pestering you, but I will be blogging each week about something from the book. I would also love to hear from you as you read, if you are so inclined. (What do you love? What do you disagree with? What are you learning about God and yourself?)

So... who's in?


  1. What a great idea!! I'm so glad you linked this up today. Praying you have a wonderful time reading through this!!

    1. It's a fantastic book, I am sure we will! :) Thanks for commenting Kate!

  2. OH I'd love to be in - I just don't have the time right now - but I'd love to tag along and hear more and more about this wonderful book - it's been on my to read list for a few months now...

    This would be a great addition to my book hop if you want to join the fun.


    Can't wait to see what you have to say on this book


    1. hahahaha
      It's worth making time for, I promise!!! So glad you are joining us!

  3. Visiting from Time Warp Wife...

    Oh, this book changed my life! I'm unable to join the reading group, but just know you are in for an amazing adventure.

    Have a wonderful day...

    1. It is a great book! I am glad you enjoyed it too!
      may you continue to thrive in the freedom of God's grace!

  4. The book is on my Kindle, so....I'm in!

  5. Blessings on your book club. I think you will really enjoy this time with some of your readers. I am a week away from starting my second Bible study at dandelionspicked.blogspot.com. My first was God Loves Moms by Christina Hergenrader and it was fabulous! In His Grace, Heather

    1. Thanks for the encouragement! God's blessings on your writing ministry as well!

  6. I will certainly be praying for everyone reading this. I know Laura is going to be reading it along with you. :)

    1. Yes, I saw that on FB :) Thank you for your prayers! I am really excited about this new adventure!

  7. I would like to participate in this. No guarantees I'll be able to keep up, with a new baby, but I would love to be a part of it. And would be so interested in hearing the "conversation" around it and what you have to say. I will order a copy and look forward to being involved, to the extent I can. Thanks for doing this ~ a fabulous idea!

    1. Yay!!!
      I'm pretty sure the conversation is going to require a facebook group - that way it won't be all me talking! Stay tuned for details :)

  8. What a great idea! I'm definitely in! Blessings friend!


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