Monday, August 6, 2012

Letter to the teachers at the beginning of a new school year

Dear teachers, 
and all who work with children,

As we begin a new school year,

These children who come to you have grown another year, and they continue with a steady march toward adulthood. Your classroom is their next stop. They come with their peers, and they sit in desks with eyes on you.

You may have piles of things still disorganized, you may not feel ready, you may not BE ready, but they come.

You have made room in your classroom and in your heart for this new set of children, and you are preparing to feed them and fill them and teach them.

These students will wear you out; they will try your patience; and they will frustrate you. They will push you and poke you and sin against you. They will learn from you and take from you and they will need more than you can give them.

They will need more than you can give them.
Remember this now, at the beginning of the year. They need you to be their teacher, and they need God to be their God.

Our Father, who knit you together, has equipped and gifted you to do this job that is before you. May He use your hands to bless these children. May He use your voice to teach His wisdom. May He use your heart of compassion to teach them love. May He use your strength and determination to teach them His ways even in discipline and failure. May He strengthen their faith by His Word from your lips.

May He fill you up with all that you need to do this enormous job. As you teach the children of His love for them, may He remind you that the same constant love applies to you. May His love for you in Christ continually refresh you and sustain you in the coming year. May He provide help when you need it, rest when you need it, and grace always.

God enable you both to will and to do this faithful work.

From one of many parents who are praying for you,

Emily Cook

Parents, remember to pray for your child's teachers!
Consider sending them a word of encouragement as they start the school year!

Feel free to use/modify this letter if you like!


  1. What a lovely prayer! So great to pray for those who educate our kids. My daughter teaches high school, and she can get so weary at times. Teachers are the best. Thank your for lifting them up in this way.

  2. I would have loved to receive this note of encouragement when I was in the classroom. Our school teachers ARE stretched to the max, and need the reminder that there are supportive parents out there.

    And likewise, prayers for (your) children as they begin another challenging year!

  3. Your post made me smile. As a teacher of over 20 years (I just retired to keep my new grandbaby while her Mommy teaches!) of being in the classroom, I know that it was prayers like yours that filled me with the love and joy of Christ! What a blessing to your children's teachers!!

  4. Amen to that! I was not a Christian when our girls were in elementary school, but if I was I would have taken your prayer and stuck it on my board to read and pray regularly. Sweetly done. Thanks for sharing it at NOBH!

  5. A-men. I love a former teacher AND a current parent.


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