Saturday, July 14, 2012

The Night Before Surgery

The Night Before Surgery
(Excerpt from Weak and Loved: A Mother-Daughter Love Story.)
Written July 14, 2009

It was the evening before surgery. I knew the next day would be one of those days by which we mark time. July 14 would be our last day “before Aggie’s brain surgery,” and everything that was to come would be known as time “after Aggie’s brain surgery.” How should we spend one last night “before surgery” with our sick little Aggie?

            We took Aggie on a walk to Lake Erie in the afternoon. We let her run around in the grass and the sunshine. I chased her and gave her a good (last?) wrestling match. Later in the hotel room, we had a feast with fried chicken and chocolate milk and a ridiculous amount of candy. Friends came to see her, grandparents, and big sister Lorraine. They all got to squeeze in a few (last?) tickles and snuggles and hugs. I took lots of video, just in case. I joined the others in trying to infuse that one evening with all the life and fun that we could.

            I couldnt help but notice that Aggie did not feel the weight of those moments as we did. She had no desire to soak up each little experience, to store them away somewhere just in case things never returned to normal. She did not breathe in the fresh air deeply enough, she did not enjoy her last evening with hair as I would if I were her. She was just being a kid; bouncing from one thing to the next, fluttering around as if this were just another day, taking those everyday blessings—the sunshine, the wind in her hair, the running and playing—for granted.

            Finally, we turned out the lights, and she went right to sleep. I lay in bed with my eyes open, wishing I was more like Aggie. 

She knows what is coming tomorrow, yet she sleeps soundly. 

And why should she worry? God who gave her joy in the sunshine today will hold her close in the valley tomorrow.


God restored Aggie to health through that surgery.  

This weekend, we remember the fragility of Aggie and all of our children, and we celebrate this moment of health and life that we share because of His grace.


  1. SO SO inspirational and touches my heart! I'm giving you a blog award! Come on over to get your award.


  2. What an experience to have to go through...I'm truly touched by your story and am in awe of your strength. Thank you for stopping by at my blog so that I could find yours!

    1. Oh no, please don't be in awe of my so-called strength. I was flat on my face for most of this trial! But God is merciful...
      I hope you get a chance to read the whole story! The eBook is free this week, starting tomorrow!
      Thanks for coming by and nice to meet you!

  3. Kids are so wonderfully made. Thanks for sharing your story!

    1. Thanks for coming by! Grab the eBook tomorrow! I hope you like it!

  4. wow! you a one strong woman and very inspirational, I was truly touched by your story...
    So glad you commented over on my blog so I could come meet you here! :)
    New follower now :)

    1. Thanks for following Sarah... although I have to say right off that I am NOT strong. You will understand what I mean if you come back for the free eBook later this week :)

      Nice to meet you!

  5. What a heart warming blog post I am so glad I came over and read it. I do wish you blessings for health and happiness.
    Please come and visit me anytime I would love to have you

    1. Thanks for coming by! I will head over to check out your site next! Please grab a copy of my book if you'd like- it is free until the 19th!

  6. Thank you for sharing this. I look forward to reading about Aggie's story.

    I've spent several nights in the ER with my little one and it's such agony seeing your child in pain, not knowing what the outcome will be.

    1. It is SO hard. I hope the story is a blessing to you. May God uphold you in health and in sickness.

  7. Wow. Its the 16th, so I hope little Aggie is healing and being her old self. Hang in there mama. I just can't imagine going thru that with either of my kids. I haven't even experienced a broken bone let alone brain surgery, so I'm lucky so far. My prayers are with your family.

    1. Heather, that surgery was July 15, 2009! We are celebrating 3 YEARS of seizure freedom and HEALTH this week- she even went with us on a hike today!

      Thank you for your compassion- you might enjoy her story as well- download it free on amazon now until 7/19 (see details at the top of the page!)

  8. Children are always stunning in their resilience. I'm so happy to hear her surgery was a success and pray for her to continue in healing and growth. Many wishes for health and happiness to you and the rest of your family as well.

  9. This book was dropped in my lap at just the right time, as one of my besties just took her sweet girl for an EEG yesterday. I loved the book and your gut-level honesty. Thanks for writing this gem!


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