Friday, February 17, 2012


Steeping in Sunday

Jesus said to the servants, “Fill the jars with water.” And they filled them up to the brim. And he said to them, “Now draw some out and take it to the master of the feast.” So they took it. When the master of the feast tasted the water now become wine, and did not know where it came from (though the servants who had drawn the water knew...)

Those servants, who had drawn the water, how blessed they were. They got to see behind the curtain. They saw with their eyes, and they knew where the wine had come from. They even got to have a hand in the miracle, in a way, simply by doing what they were told.

I like thinking about this, these insiders, that got to see Jesus's hand at work.

I think I understand a little what that must have felt like.  I see a miracle, little or big, and maybe others don't know what just happened, but I do. God worked. I just happened to be there, and maybe I had a little hand in it, in a manner of speaking, but I know the truth: it was all Him.

  • the time I had a baby
  • when I hear my daughter pray about every little thing
  • witnessing a tiny burst of love from one of the kids to another
  • my daughter playing a hymn on the piano, and the song lifting my spirits
  • The other times I had a baby, and found myself amazed that God did this phenomenal thing, AGAIN.
  • Faith, given and growing, in me or anyone else

Tell me, have you felt like this recently? What happened?

What amazing grace it is that I am called a child of God, a friend!  Thank you for letting me see Your wonderful works, for confiding in me through Your Word.  Amen.

John 15:15
No longer do I call you servants, for the servant does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all that I have heard from my Father I have made known to you.


  1. Yes, I love this. Recently, I was supposed to go to a very exhausting outing involving me alone with all three kiddos. The night before, I had so much trouble falling asleep. While I tried, I prayed. I confessed that I didn't want to go, but felt hemmed in. I told God I would go, but maybe He would just arrange things so I didn't have to. The next day, due to unforeseen circumstances, it was canceled. Small, but significant to me. :)

  2. That is not a small thing at all!

    Any time God gives rest to mamas, especially surprise rest, that is a BIG, wonderful deal :) Nothing makes me praise the Lord like a good break!!!

  3. When my whole life seems to be falling apart at the seems, and nothing much else could go wrong, I was scheduled for a last minute surgery to get rid of possible cancer. While we're still waiting to hear if it is cancer or not, I have gained a new peace from the whole event. Surgery forced me to slow down and realize that while I had been feeling like my life is falling apart at the seams (sp) and God must be somewhere in the background letting me "grow" from this one, really God is the seams, the only thing holding my story together. It is through his strength alone that my sweet little family is holding it together one day at a time, continuing to grow in his grace and mercy.

    1. Oh Nicole....
      How scary. And that in between waiting for test results is the WORST! So glad to hear that He is carrying you...

      God is the seams. I like that.

      Praying for you...


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