Friday, July 5, 2013

Beautiful (Five Minute Friday)

Five Minute Friday
The word: Beautiful


We're out late for a campfire, and I'm running out of patience.

There were no fireworks this year, not for us. The kids are too young, or the parents feel too old. We chose to say close to home and to our beds.  We will need them after kids weild hot pokers for s'mores, then play with more hot pokers called sparklers.

But the lightning bugs come out, and how can I say no?  So I say yes, and I gather jars and watch the lights on the bugs and the light in the eyes.  And I grabbed my camera to capture the proud, fat cheeks, but then I saw the other beauty. Do you see it?

The sky!  I did not notice it until I looked through the lens, but once I saw it, it continued to become more and more amazing.    Days, hours of rain fell this week, and the campfire itself was a surprise.  But now, oh, the sky!  

Who needs fireworks when God does this with the sky?

Sometimes I don't notice the beautiful until there is a camera in front of my face.  God, open my eyes!


  1. Amazing. You're right. Who needs fireworks when you have that sky before you? Love the pictures, especially the little fella holding the jar. I didn't grow up with fireflies, but I see them now that we live in the South and I get so excited every time.

  2. LOVE this! Beautiful words and beautiful pictures.


  3. Wow, the third picture down is just breathtaking! Yes, who needs fireworks when God does this with the sky?


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