Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Book recommended: "The Problem of Suffering"

This author is a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief.  Having suffered the loss of two children, he
He speaks with refreshing honesty about the contradiction in suffering experienced by the Christian. "How can God love me and yet allow this to happen?"  We wonder, but we are afraid to ask.

He asks the question. He wrestles. He shares with us the fruit of his wrestling.  We receive no trite slogans, no neat philosophical systems, but honesty, and faith drawing strength from Christ, and Him crucified.

If you grieve, and if you question, please, buy this book:

The Problem of Suffering: A Fathers Hope
(Buy it here)

"Let us think honestly and speak biblically: Philosophically speaking, theodicies end in betrayals and sin against those who suffer; theologically, we preach Christ crucified, not suffering justified (see Romans 8, Augsburg Confession Article 5)." (Schulz, 21)

and Listen to Gregory Schulz on Issues, Etc.


  1. Thank you so much for this and for adding it to my hop - you have no idea how perfect this (your whole blog) is to me in this moment.

    Marissa - Cozy Book Hop

    1. Marissa, I am so sorry to hear that you know something of this grief, but I am glad to hear that my words may be grace to you today.

      You might also want to check out this page: http://www.weakandloved.com/p/grief.html

      especially this one

    2. PS It will NOT always be this way, thanks to God's grace to us in Jesus.


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