Friday, April 24, 2020

a light rain

there was something about the weight of rain

after a long car ride; it was no longer falling heavily
it was a midst, a sprinkle, with enough warmth in it to call me to freedom among its drops
freedom from the seatbelt of the car, freedom from the tired weight of sitting still

I freed my feet from the heavy shoes
my children looked at me funnily
and I ran out of the house
There was something about the weight of the rain
at it softly landed on my forehead
it gathered and streamed down my face
a cooling relief

There was something about the feel of the rain
in the puddles, splashing through my toes
that brought back the memories of a high school body
that could run much faster.
She was in better shape, she breathed more easily,
jiggled less.
But she knew little of giving thanks, deep thanks,
for that breath and beating heart in her chest.

There was something about the lightness of the rain
that washed weight from my spirit, and when I came in dripping
from my ridiculous run, 
and she asked if we could go on the trampoline,
I shrugged soggy shoulders
and then I raced her there
and we flew in the sky together
each landing releasing a happy explosion 
of water beneath our feet
and laughter

giving deep thanks
in the light rain.

(Inspired by writing prompts from Voice and Vessel)

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