Monday, January 21, 2013

Our Theme, Writ Large

I need reminders, big ones.  I have such a tendency to barrel through the day, getting stuff done, and I forget to pray, or to focus on the important things until the end of the day.  And that's no way to live.

I love words.
Why not put them everywhere?

So, I enlisted some help...

Shirtless boys are great helpers.
Or something.

We painted.
And I ran upstairs for paper towels and my camera, and I said to my husband, 
"What was I thinking, trying to paint with kids this age?"

But then, I saw this, and I remembered. 

Remind yourself, and your little ones, that you are wonderfully made this week!

Make a poster, hang it by your sink, pack a note in your child's lunch!

If you do this, I'd love to see your pictures!


  1. Wondering how hard it would be to etch "fearfully and wonderfully made" on the bathroom mirror? Wouldn't that be awesome!

    1. If you do it, be sure to take a picture for me!!!

  2. Vinyl lettering might be easier. Off to research possibilities!


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