Monday, June 11, 2012

Messy Mommy Jobs #5 and Link Up!

Weak and Loved Messy Mommy Jobs
Featured Posts from last week
Don't miss these!

Signs of Life from Hands Free Mama
I'm not Sexy and I know it from the Spin Cycle

And for those of you who are interested in such things,
DakotaPam's Messy Monday gives you actual solutions and a free resource to help combat the mess!

And now for the photos.

The mess in the basement I pretend I don't see


Cowboy tracks



Cereal tragedy



He taunts me with the messes


Practical solution
because I hate to waste stuff, 
when I noticed my bread was moldy, we decided to do a science experiment.


Yep, it got moldier:

Let's pretend this one was an intentional science experiment, too,
and not something I found in the back of my fridge
that used to be tomato sauce,
or soup, 
or something.

Finally, the inspired mess:

Art by Aggie

You can see why I love this kind of mess!

OK now it's your turn! LINK UP below! (Don't forget to link back and/or grab my button!)  Links can be ANYTHING mess-related!
Send me more pictures!
Tell me what one is your favorite!

For Extra Credit-
show me a MOMMY- INSPIRED mess!  
Check out Summer Activities for Toddlers and Things to do with Kids for inspiration!

How to share your pictures
Send me an email
Post pictures to my facebook page
Photobucket(Please note- if you post to facebook or email me, you are giving me permission to use your picture on my blog! If you want credit, put your nameon the picture itself.  I use picmonkey for this and other edits. It's free and you don't even have to register!)
If you have a blog, link up with me below! (Be sure to grab my button!)

(your post can be anything at all mess- related; cleaning tips, organizing tips, thoughts on a messy life, or just fun pictures of your kids doing something messy!)

1. Simply post your messy post on your blog (or grab the link to an older one)
2. Enter your title and link below
3. Copy the html code (in the box below the picture at the top) and put it on your post - this will point your readers back here so they can see the other posts and join the fun!


  1. I saw your blog from Mom's Monday Mingle.
    I'm now following you on GFC.
    I hope you follow mine back. Thanks!

  2. This is my favorite link-up EVER. :-)

  3. Can't find where to link up, so I'm putting mine here:

  4. Love that you take moldy bread and make a science experiment out of it. Kind of a new spin on "when life hands you lemons..." ;)

    1. Meredith, EXACTLY. Not that I actually taught them much, other then, "Hey look, that's mold!" but still. It felt more productive than throwing it away :)

  5. I loved the science experiments too. . .but in person it makes me gag. . .so I pass!

  6. I have found some science experiments in the back of our fridge too! I always consider how much the dish it is in cost, and whether its worth just throwing the whole thing away and buying a new dish! But then the thrifty part of me that can't stand wasting washes the dish anyway.


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