Monday, June 4, 2012

Messy Mommy Jobs #4

“Clutter and mess show us that life is being lived...Tidiness makes me think of held breath, of suspended animation... Perfectionism is a mean, frozen form of idealism, while messes are the artist's true friend. What people somehow forgot to mention when we were children was that we need to make messes in order to find out who we are and why we are here.”  

Weak and Loved Messy Mommy Jobs
Well, it's settled then.
If clutter and mess show us that life is being lived, then 
look at all this LIFE!

Messy Mommy Pictures from this week- Which one is your favorite?

Spring Cleaning
I thought I'd put my clothes in my sister's drawers.
And take hers out.
And take all the books off the shelf, too.
What, mom?

Blue memories

The Paint on the Bus goes all around
(I wish we had a bus for painting! This is awesome!)

Wall Art
Beautiful work, Jillian :)
I'm glad your mom knows about Magic Erasers!

Feline Kitchen Help

Contractor Chalk Art

Mama explains: 
"Konnor and Taylor had been playing outside and after just a few short minutes Konnor came in and said his "mo-cite" (which is his "motorcycle"; a three-wheeled big wheel, you know the type, with the seat that raises up for storage?!?) was leaking.  Of course after seeing him I just laughed and asked if Taylor should come in and get cleaned up too?  I did not get a pic of the mo-cite and its "trunk" full of blue chalk, but I did get the kiddos before they got cleaned up!!  They had gotten into the contractor chalk--the bottle of ground up chalk that fills those things that leave the chalk lines...whatever those are!"

And PS....I am not for sure what the ribbon was all about, I assume the helmet, was because, as you know, you cant ride your "mo-cite" with out one!"
-- From Kristie Wessel

Perhaps he awarded himself a prize for his chalk drawing!

(Please keep Kristie in your prayers! They found a donor for her and she is now recovering from the transplant in the hospital.)

Party in the Crib

"If you can’t tell what is happening here, Lillian is in her crib, up to her elbows in toys. Its my fault really, since I did tell Jeremiah to go in her room and talk to her until I finished the dishes. I guess he misunderstood the words “talk to her” with “throw every single toy into her crib.” It’s understandable. The phonetics are similar."
(from Stephanie at Wonderful Mess)

Dead Rug

I found this fuzz in the dryer. 
It is the remains of a rug; a rug I killed.
I was in a hurry and didn't read instructions, so the rug puked its guts out in my dryer.

Another reason to praise God for Shop-Vacs.

Satanic Slinky

This slinky just about got the best of me on Friday. We were at the gym (my kids plus 2 extra boys) and I was hoping so much that they would play for a little bit and stop climbing on me and NEEDING stuff already... when they brought me this freaking slinky. 

Sister tangled it, brother got the slinky from the store with his own money just yesterday, and they were all wailing. and it was NOT coming undone. I seriously was so frustrated I almost cried.
I shoo'd them all away, and said "FORGET IT!" 

Then, my big-hearted Aggie picked it up and went off into a corner where she struggled with it for almost a half hour. 
"Because I don't want Seth to cry any more."

Slinky and Sweet Sister

I wish I could say it worked, but it didn't. The slinky is evil, and is now in the trash with the rug guts.

Oh well, remember that quote? Clutter and mess are evidence of life being lived!  

Just look at all this LIFE, people!

Life is spilling over in our homes, bursting at the seams, scribbling on the walls, and breaking our electronics!
(Nope, I can't do it. I can't celebrate that last one. I tried.)

Kinda Kindle
Our sad Kindle.
No that't not something sticky.
I wish.

Here, let me show you from this angle:

Sickening, isn't it?
It got dropped, for the second time. 
I'm not surprised these kids are not old enough to handle electronics without breaking them, (hey, I'm not even old enough for that! I've had to put my cell phone in a bag of rice to dry out the water more times than I care to admit!)
But still.
I mean, really.
Deep breaths, mama.

OK now it's your turn! LINK UP below! (Don't forget to link back and/or grab my button!)  Links can be ANYTHING mess-related!
Send me more pictures!
Tell me what one is your favorite!

Window markers!
For Extra Credit-
show me a MOMMY- INSPIRED mess!  

How to share your pictures
Send me an email
Post pictures to my facebook page
(Please note- if you post to facebook or email me, you are giving me permission to use your picture on my blog! If you want credit, put your nameon the picture itself.  I use picmonkey for this and other edits. It's free and you don't even have to register!)
If you have a blog, link up with me below! (Be sure to grab my button!)
(your post can be anything at all mess- related; cleaning tips, organizing tips, thoughts on a messy life, or just fun pictures of your kids doing something messy!)

1. Simply post your messy post on your blog (or grab the link to an older one)
2. Enter your title and link below
3. Copy the html code (in the box below the picture at the top) and put it on your post - this will point your readers back here so they can see the other posts and join the fun!


  1. Girl. It was the pics involving the demise of technology that got to me this time. The washing machine? And the kindle? Oh. My. Word.

    I shall have nightmares tonight.

    Also? Thanks for accepting my entry without photo evidence. After reading it, I hope you'll understand my decision not to wield the camera. xo

    1. Who needs a photo when your writing is so hilarious! I love your entry, girl!

      Yes, the kindle and the rug and the slinky were in the same day. It was a bad day.

  2. looks like your house is a fun place to be!

    1. It depends on how you define "fun!" :) the kids sure think so. Most days, I do too!

  3. This validation of my messy house is just what I needed today : ) Love it - thanks Emily!

  4. This is so true! My sons rooms are always a mess, but they have so much fun making it, I can't help but enjoy every moment. I like the button too (:

  5. Wow, that takes special skill to kill a rug:) Thanks for these pictures, it does show a life well lived. Your kids are so precious!

  6. This is from Christmas time, but totally applies to everyday.

  7. Hmm...clutter drives me crazy, yet this post makes me rethink it....maybe I clean too much? LOL! I'm sorry it all happened at once though :/ That would have been a REALLY hard day for me too! :/ Stoppin by from Wknd Whatever :)


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