Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Ash Wednesday: Death on the Face

And so, Lent begins, with the unusual Christian ritual of looking death in the face, and wearing it on our faces.  I find it hard, but necessary and good. It is a reminder to me, that life will not always be this way.

Death is real. But God is good. 

God's children turn their eyes to Him during this Lenten season. We remember the unseen things, the eternal things, and their importance over that  which is earthly.

We remember our lost condition, we feel the reality of our sin, and we ache with the need for a Savior. 

Darkness gathers, around us and within us. We strain our eyes to see the light, and that Light is the Life of the World.

We look to Him, our Jesus, who suffered for us.  We crawl up into Him, and we hide in Him, and we abide in Him.  And He who overcame the grave holds us fast in His grip.

I shall lie down and sleep in peace, 
for You alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety.
Psalm 4:8

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