Saturday, October 25, 2014

Dare: Five minute friday

Five minute friday- the word: Dare

FMF - Dare

My online life is about to change, and it's all because of a dare. I take it as a dare, that is; this challenge to write a novel in November.  I have not started writing, only thinking, and already I feel tremendously stretched.

To write fiction I must dare to live in a world with every possible option, and then choose just one.

I must dare to imagine characters, dare to make them alive even if that makes them familiar.
I must dare to explore topics that scare me,
dare to be daunted by the blank page,
dare to sit in the silence and not give in to the easy (so easy) temptation of internet distration!

I will dare to turn off the wifi entirely until I plunk out so many words;
dare to write junk, so long as it means I am writing.

I must dare to daydream, and to dwell on those dreams long enough to make them feel like real experiences that I can turn into words.

I must dare to take the risk of sounding corny, of attracting eyerolls,
or bored kids afraid to tell me so.

I must dare to write and let it set,
edit later,
share even later,
rather than seeking constant feedback.

I am taking up the challeng of NaNoWriMo in November.
I am accepting the dare.

I am daring to start, knowing that I may fail (or be called to put my attention elsewhere!)

For now, I'm stretching my fingers and my brain, taking deep breaths, and slowly weaning myself away from the mental habit of constant distraction....

Dare you to join me.

This post is linked to others at; five minute friday, when we write like we used to run, for the sheer joy of it.

For more info about NaNoWriMo, visit


  1. Way to be daring with your writing. What a leap of faith you are taking to be present and disciplined to what God is leading you to do. Blessings and joy as you begin this new daring journey.

  2. Have a great November! I hope the words flow freely and it's a wonderful experience for you.

  3. I'm doing NaNoWriMo too!

  4. P.S. I'm hoping it's a good sign that my word verification for my previous comment was 'Be done' ;)


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