Sunday, July 3, 2011

not free

My heart jumped, every single time, as I drove home from somewhere. 
Eyes to the driveway-
Is it empty?  Or is there a uniformed messenger of death waiting for me there?

Phew, it is empty.  He must still be alive somewhere.

Hand on my womb, I would say yet another prayer for protection of that one soldier: 

God bless the soldier that is a father to this growing unborn baby and that curly-haired little girl.  Bless the soldier that is husband to this weak, scared woman who cannot fathom raising her children alone.  Bless him, keep him, and bring him home to us in one piece, and quickly.

And ditto, for all the other soldiers too.

Iraq 2004
Freedom is not free.

For the blessings of freedom and prosperity that we enjoy in this great country, and for the men and women throughout history who have sacrificed to build and protect this country, we thank You God.

For those who came home, and for those who didn’t, and for those who haven't yet, we give thanks to You God.  

Though we sinners do not deserve their sacrifice nor Your protection and blessing, we pray that You would look on this country with mercy, and please God, bless the USA.  Amen.

Happy fourth of July.


  1. I know this is an older post, but I saw your comment on lovingourjourney and wanted to invite you to share any stories you have about our troops and soldiers. I am having a patriotic link up party now through july 4th. Besides recipes and crafts, I am really hoping people will also share posts about the military.

    I am glad I saw that comment. I started following you a few weeks back, but I don't know if I would have found these older posts.

    1. Suzy, thanks for the invite! I hope you don't mind that I added a few :) Great idea for a linkup! :)


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