Saturday, November 9, 2013

sipping truth

Five minute friday. (on Saturday)


I'm trying to start my days with coffee and truth, and today, for once, I'm actually caught up on the daily assigned reading. I sip my coffee and sit in truth.

"Deliver us from evil," I read and pray, and "stay awake, for you do not know the hour."  I look out  my window and the nearly-bear tree and I know the hour is coming. I welcome it, or at least, that small, faith-filled part of me does.  Deliver us, Lord, into Your hands, Your kingdom.

I sip my rich Saturday coffee again, and suddenly I notice the sounds in this place. Boys downstairs, on bikes, pretending, yelling, and for the moment, not fighting. A girl in the bathroom, singing loudly, off-key.  And that country song that brought me to tears yesterday comes into my head again. "It won't be like this for long."

All of my babies, healthy, and here: truly this is a moment to treasure. I listen to the sounds, and I give thanks for them one by one as they pass me by.

The rush of time does not stop, but it seems to slow as I pause in gratitude, in noticing. And when I slow I notice Him who holds my time and eternity.  God gives God, to me, His presence, Himself, for me.

I sip my coffee, and I rest with Truth.


This post was written in just five minutes with no editing.
Part of five minute friday, where we write like we used to run-- with abandon.


  1. I joined in on Saturday this time, too. :-) Lovely post. It's amazing how much being still/quiet lets us hear so much more, isn't it? I hear you!

  2. Excellent a grandma and a man....hold fast to those little moments...treasure them and store them up safe. God bless you...enjoy that coffee too!!

  3. I love this, and I'm not afraid to admit a little jealous at how concise your thoughts are. You were able to share so much so succinctly. Glad I stumbled upon your blog through FMF. It's good to find fellow caffeine lovers out there.


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