Monday, March 25, 2013

Weekly Challenge: Put Your Body in its Place

I notice in myself a tendency to worry too much about the things of the body.  Health is important, but it’s doesn't deserve first place in my heart or my mind.

Whether I am on or off the wagon, dealing with health or any other issue, my tendency is to focus on myself, on what I should do or not do. It’s about my work, my standards, my awesomeness (or lack thereof.)

I keep a steady pace on the treadmill of my own efforts.  Yet my body, my life, are connected to my spirit and my Church, and this week, they are to be swept up in Holy Week.  This week, we remember the events that changed everything.

The things of the body, they are not the most important things. 

Join me, this week, as we fix our eyes on Jesus. Read this excellent Holy Week Letter.

Weekly Challenge
Put your body in its place.

Father, thank you for the gift of my body. Thank you for legs that run and a mouth that is learning to enjoy healthy food. Father, forgive me for obsessing too much about these things.  Forgive me when I allow the things of this world to crowd out the Important Things. You. Your Word.
Father, this week, draw me, body and soul, deeper into Your care. Open my ears to hear Your Word. Teach my eyes to look to You, to read Your Word, to study and to grow.  Turn my heart from sin and teach it to love what is good. 
As my body struggles through this dying world, may my heart take courage as I consider His body, His blood, shed for me.

Don't forget to read Pastor Esget's Holy Week Letter.


  1. Thank you for the reshift in perspective. Blessings as you savor, grieve, and rejoice in Christ this week!

  2. Good words for those of us who obsess and can run on self-will to the extreme!


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