Saturday, March 12, 2011

kid worries

Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, 
what you will eat or drink; 
or about your body, what you will wear. 
Is not life more than food, 
and the body more than clothes? 
Matthew 6:25

Do you kids ever worry about what you are going to eat or what you are going to wear?

A daughter immediately chimes in:
(Read the following very quickly for the full effect.)

"YES!  Sometimes I worry about what I'm going to drink, but that's not a good thing to do.  Because if you say 'Mommy what are we going to drink? and she says 'chocolate milk,'  and then you say, 'Mommy what are we doing to drink?' and she says, 'chocolate milk,' and you say, 'Mommy, what are we going to drink?' and she says, 'chocolate milk' ....  then mommy won't really like that."

Ok... anything else that you worry about children?

"Sometimes, I worry about what I am going to wear..."
said one of the more thoughtful children seriously.

Finally,  I thought, we will have some worthwhile contribution to this discussion!

"...I worry about what I am going to wear because one time I didn't have enough underwear in my drawer so I had to borrow some.  I didn't like to do that. So I worry."


  1. Out of the mouths of it!

    1. Just when you think they might learn SOMETHING... you get a lesson in keeping up with the laundry. sigh. :)


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