Friday, July 6, 2012

Messy Mommy Jobs (one more time)


Here are a few in my life right now that I am ignoring:
My basement, clothes to sort
School stuff. (Can you believe I have the supply list already? One more month!)
Writing stuff- digital fragments everywhere, and I just don't care. I don't trip over these.
The yard, the weeds, and the outside toys. (It is just too hot. Over 100 degrees again today!)

Here are a few I am trying to tackle this month:
The craft stuff in my dining room- it needs a home before it kills me.
Finances (I hate this job.)
Doctors appointments for the kids: I think somebody needs a physical or something.
Piano- the girls need to start practicing again!

In the meantime, I am praying for rain and planning to dance in it with the kids if it ever comes. Also, I am writing like crazy. I hope you join me next week for a new devotional series:

If you've got it, flaunt it!
Our weakness, His strength.

Subscribe to Weak and Loved by Email so you don't miss a thing!

And now, a few more mess pictures, for your enjoyment.
I will be taking a break from this series, but I will come back to it in the future, so keep on taking those pictures!

A slide, but not just a slide!

A water slide!

I love how this mom uses the slide with the slip-n-slide!

Is he wearing socks? 
How cute!

My little guy on the slip-in-slide.
He was not so sure about it!

You trust me?
Another one from vacation
Who in the world would give this child a roasting stick?!

Gather 'round grandkids!
Grandpa made you some home made ice cream! 

Another idea from a fun mommy:
Pudding paint!

I think he loved it!

Play-dough mess

And this, just because it is adorable:

Super girl!
(and her puppy!)

 Rollin' with it

And this could've been 1 doozy of a mess... luckily this was a clean roller.  

Another basement
mom pretends not to notice :)
(do you have a room like this?)

Black Boogers

So I have this daughter with a cold, or summer allergies, or something. She is contstantly blowing her nose, and leaving her tissues around. This time, she left her tissue box outside by the pool. Someone (a little brother) found a fountain pen and thought it should be inside the tissue box, with its cap off. Now and entire box of tissues has a big black blob of ink in the middle.

If the ink dries, they are SO still using these.
We'll try it out on one of the boys.
I know the messes in my own house will not be going away, and neither will my need to laugh at them with you. So keep taking pictures of your own messes and try to keep your sense of humor! I'll be asking you for them again in a few weeks!

Have you had any major messes this week? 
Which ones are you ignoring? 
Which ones are you trying to tackle?

Link up below, and please, visit my friends if you get a chance!


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