Monday, May 28, 2012

Messy Mommy Jobs #3: LINK UP and share your pictures!

Another week of messes has come and gone. How did you fare, friends?  
You will like these pictures, and I have to admit, I like taking them. Looking at these pictures all in a row makes me feel incredibly accomplished.  I mean, LOOK, mothers! LOOK at all of these ugly things that we deal with! 

(I'd love to know which picture is your favorite!)

The pile of school supplies:


This is not our pile, but ours is still in the living room. I find it overwhelming.
I figure I have until the end of July to go through it. 
(Though it occurs to me that I'd better check the bags for perishables.)

The Pretty Staircase


See those chalky handprints? 
How sweet.

The Totally Dead Toad

There are no picture to go with this story, but I had to share it anyway. My friend posted it on facebook and it had me laughing all day. (I'm pretty sure we wouldn't want to see the pictures.)

Mom: "James, what did you do at Aunt Sarah's today?"
Abby: "James went potty on a toad."
James: (yelling) "Abby be quiet! I'm not done talking to Mom! Mom, it was already dead. Then I buried it in the sand pit."
Mom: "You mean the toad went potty on you?"
James: "Yes, the toad went potty on me then I went potty on the toad."
Sometimes I wonder why I even asked. I'd rather not know what they did.

-- Martha Gotttschall, mother of six

Sippy Stench

Photobucket -
So, would you clean this out, or throw it away?
This time, I cleaned it, but I must confess I do not always make that choice.

Sad Princess

She's holding a flower, but the mess is on her face.
She fell on the concrete, the same spot, twice!
I hate this kind of mess!

Sandy Pants


I'm glad I didn't make him take off his PJs that morning.
What was he doing, you ask?
Just playin' on the

Dirt Pile


I'm so glad she remembered to put those goggles on her forehead first!

Dirt Boy


I thought I saw a pudding-cat!


Oliver took his second bath this week, due to chocolate substances.

Silly, sandy rabbit


I'm glad Bugs has inspired him to eat his carrots.
But I'd rather he did it outside, especially when his pocket is filled with sand.

Are you enjoying this series? Please, tell your friends! I love it when you share my stuff!

In case you missed it, check out the first post, Monday's Mess, and Do the messes ever drive you to the edge? (If nothing else, check out that one to see the peanut butter-cicle), and Don't get mad, grab your camera!

Keep the pictures coming, friends! 

Send me an email
Post pictures to my facebook page
(Please note- if you post to facebook or email me, you are giving me permission to use your picture on my blog! If you want credit, put your nameon the picture itself.  I use picmonkey for this and other edits. It's free and you don't even have to register!)

If you have a blog, link up with me below! (It is not required, but you are welcome to grab my button! Links back are always appreciated!)
Your post can be anything at all mess-related; cleaning tips, organizing tips, thoughts on a messy life, a messy craft project, or just fun pictures of your kids doing something messy!

1. Simply post your messy post on your blog (or grab the link to an older relevant post)
2. Enter your title and link below
3. Copy the html code (in the box below the picture) and put it on your post - this should point your readers back here so they can see the other posts and join the fun!

Weak and Loved Messy Mommy Jobs


  1. Love the pics...especially your Pudding Cat. :) Thanks for inviting me to link up!

  2. Those are definitely some funny pictures! Love the the sandy pants!

  3. I throw those cups away. Ewwwwwwwww.

    1. I do sometimes, especially if they were in the van for a week. but this time I was just about to run the dishwasher, so the sippy cup's life was spared.

      This time.

  4. haha I love these! The staircase is my favorite :) But the pudding cat comes close!

    1. I'm smiling at my own cleverness about the pudding cat - looney tunes is good for something! But the staircase, well, I honestly was quite annoyed when I saw it (and the smirking boy,) but then I realized what an awesome picture it would make and I suddenly didn't mind !

  5. Haha...I love the "dirt boy!!" That would totally be my son! Maybe I'll make him a superhero costume for Halloween...I could cover it with mud, sew a big "DB" on the front, and tell him he's Dirt Boy...the baddest superhero on the block!! Hehee...thanks for inviting me to come by and link up! Have a great week!

    Smiles, Jenn @Misadventures in Motherhood

    1. haha you are right, Dirt Boy COULD be a new superhero! :)

  6. Oh...and one more thing... I'm rather new to Pinterest so I'm not exactly sure how it helps people...but I hear it does, so I pinned your hop to my "Blog Hops" board. I hope it does something for you! :-)
    Smiles, Jenn

    1. Great, thank you! I'll find you on there later today! Beware... it is very very addicting!


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