Friday, October 14, 2011


Last night, I slept in the bedroom of my childhood.  I closed my eyes to the familiar sounds of late-night TV.

I opened the familiar window next to the bed that was once a bunk bed.  The rain sounds, smells, just the same.

This morning, I woke to the familiar cry of the baby.
While I was still stretching, grandma scooped him up.  I stretched in unfamiliar freedom and quiet.  I slept again. 

Later, an event even more abnormal.  In peace, I took a shower.  I was alone, all alone, from start to finish; I got dressed, even brushed my hair and my teeth- all without a single interruption.

It is so nice to be a mother mothered by a mother.


  1. Enjoy a wonderful time of refreshment! What a wonderful treat.

  2. Oh that is so great. We all need that now and again. God bless our mothers

  3. I love how my mom always reminds Ethan that I am her baby!


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