Friday, January 18, 2013

A New Series: Weak and Lovely

I wanted to start this series right away in January, but life happened.

I also wanted to have all these issues solved before I started talking about them with you, but I am nowhere near that goal. And yet, here we go.   

Introducing a new series

Weak and Lovely: A journey of body and soul.
You see, I have a problem.

I’m told that I am fearfully and wonderfully made, but I really don’t believe that. You can tell by the way I treat my body.  My heart was made to rest in God, but I don’t really believe that either.  You can tell by the way I try to drown my sorrows with a bowl of potato soup.  God made me a woman, and He created femininity, and it is good.  And yet, I think I make fun of it more than I embrace it. 

I wish I was already victorious, and I could stand at the finish line with my self control like iron and my perspective as clear as God’s Word,  and from there I could cheer you on,  give you a game plan, and help you be strong like me.

But I’m still weak. I weigh more than I’d like to, and only half of me even cares.  I abuse the gifts God gives me.   My perspective is cloudy and my temptations are great.   And I make plans to change things, and then I cheat, or I realize the plans themselves were just as sinful as the laziness. 

On the wagon, or off the wagon, either way I know it down to my bones:
I’m still weak.

And yet (don’t miss this part!) Even so, even now, I am loved.
I am loved, and I am lovely.

In Christ, I already am. I am loved, I am lovely, and this changes everything.

I know this, but I want to know it more. I want to take this truth and let it steep into the difficult corners of my life, my temptations and my cravings, my questions and my identity.

For several weeks, I will be asking this question:

What does it mean to be weak and loved, to be weak and lovely?

This will not become a health food or fitness blog, but I may tell you about my new favorite foods. I will also give you a glimpse into our kitchen, through recipes, success stories, and horror stories.   I will share my reading and my thoughts about raising ‘tween girls, beauty, and body image.  You will hear about my frumpy tendencies, and my girly ‘tween, and how we learn from each other.  And Jesus.  Because I can’t talk about any of this stuff without sensing the connection of body and soul, health and spirit, life and grace.

This is an extremely broad topic, and I am by no means an expert. I welcome your questions, suggestions, and guest posts.

God, help me to see as you see: myself, my body, Your law, Your grace, and Your edible gifts to me.   Make me hunger and thirst for You, and teach me to live in the freedom of your gospel love.

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. Romans 12:2

What does it mean to be weak and lovely?
I hope you will join me on this journey of body and soul!
Let’s renew our minds and improve our bodies together!


  1. I would love to join in the discussion on raising tween girls. I'm almost there and feel like I'm behind before I've even begun.
    "You can tell by the way I treat my body." Yep. I'm there too.

    1. Yep.. and how can I teach them something I don't understand !? :)

  2. I have been discussing/planning similar thoughts along with another bloggy friend. It is odd that many women struggle with this need for control and since we cannot control many...MANY issues and dilemmas in our lives, we know we are the only ones to control our food and there is the battle. But HE is the victor and when we let Him, He actually does fulfill his promises! I would love to guest post for you and would welcome you to do the same! Just send me off an email. Hoping this 2013 will be full of victories!

  3. LOVE this! I requested to join the FB group and I will definitely follow here. Learning to see myself as God sees me is something that I've been working on for quite a while now. I had lost 200 pounds about 8 - 10 years ago. Life happened. Mostly because I didn't do the emotional / spiritual work. My heart wasn't in the right place to handle the healthier me. Seems weird but I know it's true. So the weight came back and I am working on it again. Anyway ... looking forward to getting to know you.

  4. I posted something similar on Friday. I'm doing aseries on this with another blogger friend, and my word for this year is renewal! I am looking forward to all the Lord has in store this year! If you are looking for guest posts the series I'd love to do one!

    1. Katharine- I'd love it! please message me your ideas!


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