Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Rest: Day Three. Pouring out and filling up

In returning and in rest shall be your strength.

I sit beside still waters and He restores my soul.
There is much to be done, but even so, I am invited to rest.
I am not the glue that holds the world together. I can step off the treadmill, away from the endless lists. The schedules, meals, details are set aside, and my mind finds space for looking at the bigger picture. 

I get weary being the mastermind of the house all the time. I plan the meals, activities, chores.I enforce the bedtime and oversee the clean up.  When I am away from this, I eat less, I hurry less, and I don't want to make decisions. 
"We can eat whenever you want to eat, hon." 
"I don't care what we do, what do you feel like?" 

What do I feel like? I feel like being led. 
I feel like floating along while someone else takes charge. 
I feel the weight of the running and the planning lifted off of me and I breathe deeply.

Yet there are weights that cannot be shaken off, and I don't even try.  Those things I run from or ignore in the busy-ness bubble up to the surface and demand attention, even here beside the pool: my fears and worries and hurts and needs,
they come pouring out even as I rest,
but even this is rest, 
because they pour out with him, and on to Him.


  1. I can so relate to this. I over see our household too. Much of what I look after doesn't get noticed. But if things are NOT maintained, THEN people notice. It's kind of a thankless job. I know it's important, and I love being a homemaker, but at times, it would be nice to just be free of it. You are not alone! I really enjoy your blog.

  2. "I feel like floating along while someone else takes charge." Yep... :0)


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