Thursday, August 9, 2012

I've Got Issues!

I was on the radio this week!  It was my first radio interview about the book, so I was a little nervous.  I liked that I did not have to put on make-up for this interview.  I do wish I could edit my audio efforts like I can edit my writing.  All in all, it was a good experience.
Issues Etc

If you'd like to listen, please click here: 

If I did it again, I would have answered one question differently:
Todd Wilken asked, "What do you have to say to those of us who know someone who might be suffering like this?"
I had expected him to ask me what I'd say to someone who was going through a trial themselves, so I got thinking on that answer and talking about it before I realized my mistake! If I could do it again, I'd say this.

Issues, Etc.
Serving theological meat and potatoes to all who have ears to hear

While you're over there at Issues, Etc., download a few more podcasts, or subscribe like I do. Todd and his guests make great company on the treadmill.  They often feed my mind and spirit as my hands do housework.

Here are a few of my all-time favorites:

Parables: The Lost Coin and the Prodigal Son with Ken Bailey
The hymn "I Bind unto Myself Today" With Pastor William Weedon
The hymn "Abide with Me" with Dr. Just
Discerning the Will of God Jeremy Rhode

For me, listening helps me remember my most important job as a Christian:


Receive the gifts of God in His Word, Sacraments and through His body the church.
Receive, trust, and be loved.

Do you ever receive your spiritual food through your ears?

1 comment:

  1. I listened to you the other night! I was quite surprised when looking through the list and seeing your name. I thought you did great Emily! I was marveling at how lucidly and clearly you spoke and how well you DID answer and make good points with each question. It's one thing to carefully write and rethink and edit, but to spontaneously speak and make the points you did, wonderful!


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