Sunday, June 17, 2012

Messy Mommy Jobs #6 and Link Up

Weak and Loved Messy Mommy Jobs
Welcome to another Messy Monday!

Don't miss this post from last week:
 Boy by Stephanie at Wonderful Mess

 You've got to hear her theories about why boys are so dirty and smelly all the time!

Welcome to Michy from Loving Our Journey!

In our house…a dog is a child’s best friend.  After returning home from a weekend getaway, our pup was overly excited to see all of us…especially her little guy.  Our son cried out for his puppy when we were gone.  She too missed him, so much that she knocked him clear off his feet twice upon arrival at home.

I noticed the sock on the floor and walked right by it.  It was an early morning, one without coffee.   Our rooster was crowing and the dog already did her “500 laps” around the backyard chasing chickens.  My toddler was asleep.  I cherished those quiet moments to prepare for our day.  Then the jingling of our pup’s collar tags made me aware she was doing something (again) she shouldn’t be.  I yelled at her for eating the sock again, and sent her outside.  A mess on my floor.  She makes more of a mess than my husband, toddler, and I combined. 

Recently, she was pretty sick from eating things she shouldn’t be:  our messes, her messes.  We all spent multiple days walking her, as it was the only thing she wanted to do.  My son and I visited our vet’s office days in a row, anxiously trying to help her.  He had the patience of a saint, as he knew what was important.  We prayed and cried out for her, and thank God, she avoided surgery.  I still pray for her today, as she struggles a bit with some belly issues.

Her mess…in her poor little belly…we could blame for lack of attention.  I’ve learned, the hard way.  Our kids come and our pets try to shove their little noses up for attention.  They need it…as do we all.

I write this, dear reader, to encourage you to give a little extra pet to your family bet…your child’s “best friend.”  The messes…well, they’re worth it.  :0)

Our pets can help us to slow down and enjoy life.  Has your pet helped you and your children learn a lesson from God??

From my heart to yours,


Michy, this is a good post for someone other than me to write! My husband has a dog (OK, WE have a dog) that constantly makes my life more complicated. It can be frustrating, but I have to admit, having her is good for the kids. Pets can be a blessing. Even dogs :)

Marky's first love

My new baby, Oliver:

Oliver with my other baby:

Did we forget to feed him?

And now, for the messy photos!

Bedroom, post temper-tantrum

Nature knows no fury like the wrath of a little girl!

That's not washable paint.

Photo: I have no words...

what mom?
I'm told it was everywhere, including on dad's classic car.

And now for a mommy-inspired mess:
Balloons in the bathtub!

So much fun!

I love that smile-
like, WOW I have a fun mommy!

 OK now it's your turn! Have you had any messes in your life this week? Do you open your home to pets despite the messes they bring? 
What picture above is your favorite?
I'd love to hear from you!

LINK UP below! (Don't forget to link back and/or grab my button!)  Links can be ANYTHING mess-related!
Send me more pictures!
Tell me what one is your favorite!

How to share your pictures
Send me an email
Post pictures to my facebook page
(Please note- if you post to facebook or email me, you are giving me permission to use your picture on my blog! If you want credit, put your nameon the picture itself.  I use picmonkey for this and other edits. It's free and you don't even have to register!)
If you have a blog, link up with me below! (Be sure to grab my button!)

(your post can be anything at all mess- related; cleaning tips, organizing tips, thoughts on a messy life, or just fun pictures of your kids doing something messy!)

1. Simply post your messy post on your blog (or grab the link to an older one)
2. Enter your title and link below
3. Copy the html code (in the box below the picture at the top) and put it on your post - this will point your readers back here so they can see the other posts and join the fun!


  1. Thanks so much for having me guest post today! I can't wait to read about some other messes...especially if there are pet stories. Your pup is cute...Oliver is adoreable!! Kittens are just so much fun! Hoping the time after the bedroom mess was more peaceful once all that energy got out of her! :) Blessings!!

    1. Michy I'm so glad to have you over here :) Thanks again for posting!

      My kids are gone on vacation this week so my pets are NUTS without all that attention! I won't be surprised if they leave me some new messes... perhaps my kitten will succeed in leaving holes in my foot! She will NOT stop attacking me while I sit at my computer here!

  2. I hopped over from Michy's blog - I love that last photo of the kids in the bathtub - and I cringed with the paint. Yikes!

    1. Yes, the paint mess was pretty awful! If it had been me, I'm not sure I could have seen past the rage in order to take a photo!

  3. Yup. TOTALLY worth the mess. Our Weimaraner is twelve years old and having - um - incontinence issues. Frustrating for sure, but the love that she's brought to our family FAR outweighs the mess. Most of the time.

    Also? Are you certain that those "Little Girl Wrath" photos weren't actually of a tornado's path of destruction? WOW.

    1. Yes Little Girl Wrath is pretty impressive. She IS a Little Tornado I guess :)

  4. That bathtub idea is great! I will have to try that with my kids! They will love it! And I agree having a pet. We have a cat, who is grumpy, but the kids still adore him!

    1. I think the bathtub idea looks fun too- better than cleaning all those little balloon pieces out of the yard! and how fun would it be to do it in the winter- what a great excuse for swimsuits! "summer play time" or something!

  5. Very cute post and I love ALL the pictures! My youngest is 19 and he's STILL a mess! LOL Hopping from Titus 2sDay. :)

    1. yes, i'm told it doesn't really get better when they'e older.. but who am I to talk? I'm sitting here writing with a coffee stain on my belly (again!)

  6. What a fun link up. We don't have any messy pets - I think our four messy little princesses are probably enough for one house. :) But one thing's certain their Mommy's a beautiful mess for Jesus!

    1. send on those princess pictures if you have 'em :)

      And it's great that He does such wonderful works with messy moms, isn't' it? Blessings and thanks for visiting! :)

  7. So cute. We don't have any messy things lately but very cute!

    1. You don't have ANY MESS??? Wow... wish I could send some of mine over to you!

  8. Those pictures are so funny! Yeah, my sons need a dog. We are in the process of getting ready to move. At the next house, we will have a dog!

    (Thanks for linking this up with us over at #findingthefunny a couple of weeks ago! Sorry I am such a loser and just now stopping by to read it!)

    1. it is SUMMER Kelly! If we don't get a little behind on our online stuff, we are probably missing summer!!! :)

      Thanks for coming by!


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