Friday, September 23, 2011

remembering Delia

One month ago today baby Delia came and went.
It all happened so fast.

from her mama's blog:

1 john 4:18 says "there is no fear in love."

we were definitely scared when we got the news, but once we made the decision to carry on, it was mostly filled with love. sure we had our fears about the future, but we (and everyone else) showed her as much love as we could. there was no other way.

If you haven't been by lately, stop by the blog.  And don't miss this video.

There was no other way.

No other way but to love, to hurt, to grieve, and to miss her.
And by the grace of God, to hope.  To look forward to that day when sorrow like this is gone forever.

May our God uphold all of us until that day.

Heavenly Father,
Take our sad and wandering hearts, and hold them steady.  Help us to bring our sorrows to the One who bears them, whose death on the cross has freed us from eternal death.  His resurrection from the dead assures  us that the awful shadow of death has lost its power.  Fasten our hearts to Him, and keep us in Your grace, that we may share in His victory over sin and death.  Amen.


  1. Emily- what a moving blog post by you & Delia's mommy!! Brought me to tears. May God continue to uphold their family!

  2. Emily, Since it's happened I've had the chance to follow the blog and read what a testimony to the strength of God her story is. Thanks for leading me to it!


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