It’s moving season. I asked Nostalgia what she wanted, and she had clear directions for me: get everyone together. Take one more springtime hike. Then, remember the pieces of Kentucky together: the rooms, the music, the people, the things we chose, the things we didn’t choose, the things we just barely survived. Remember how plans changed, how we were only going to stay here two years. Name the events, the people, the unasked for gifts, the things we might be happy to leave behind. Then pull up some old pictures to tap even more memories. See how you’ve all grown. And laugh.
I asked Lorraine to come home one more time, before this place is no longer “home,” so she did. We had our weekend; my heart is full. It is enough.
We still have a few weeks in this place. Closure and change are different this time. Better or worse, I can’t say. Just different. We are living our lives here while Josh is there; attention divided, together on weekends when there is work to be done. Most of the house is in storage already and I’m getting a taste of living like a minimalist. (I love it.)
We sold our house; we have a new one. The contracts are signed; we wait for closing dates. I sit on the new porch in my imagination, often, looking out at the field. I can’t wait to live in the country again. The Lord has more for us, there.
Meanwhile, we are here.
And I wonder;
What does “enough” feel like?
There is much we do not know. Where are we going to church? What are the school plans? Who are our new ‘people?’ How long will we have to wait? Will there be a season of quiet grief and desert life, or is this a move from abundance to abundance?
As I watched the younger 2 with their volleyball team the other day; all the energy and laughs and inside jokes, my heart ached-- it is hard to leave such abundance.
Will there be more? Is abundance now enough?
What does enough feel like?
All six of the kids were at home this weekend, plus Seth’s Ava. Abundance; and yet Andrew was missing- it wasn’t everybody. The definition of “complete” has expanded.
Spring is coming to Kentucky and we all hiked through it. I learned later that the one who almost stayed home was convinced to come by older siblings. This time, it didn’t take bribery or threat; it was simply, “We’re doing this for mom.”
So they all did it.
My, we have gotten big.
Here is love, family, and the presence of God.
Mutual love and affection.
It is enough.
Eyes on the source, my soul, as you step forward into the next adventure. The God of abundance will not forsake you; or them, in all this rearranging. Hands open; eyes up.