Friday, November 13, 2020

It's coming.

 It’s coming.

The days are growing shorter and it’s coming. 

I have feared winter before; I fear it again, but more. 

It’s coming.

Not just the darkness but the uncertainty. 

Today I told the kids a quarantine is inevitable. Every day we leave the house is a gift.

I imagine many of us walk around with the feeling of impending doom.

Squirreling away supplies for the blizzard, or the shutdown, or the illness. 

It’s coming.

Do you feel the urgency?

I feel it daily, it comes up around me and squeezes my chest tight

Which way is the wind blowing?
Dare I check headlines or social media?

I see a mud slinging shit storm

Chaos, coming.

To whom shall we go?

Where is our refuge? 

Our help is still in the name of the Lord, Maker of Heaven and Earth

To His children: we have to hold each other up, take turns being strong and pulling other ones from the edge of the pit. There is a sun, there is spring, God is love, Christ is risen! This is TRUE and it is all that is true! We must hold fast despite all dark winds and loud voices.

We are already at war. Do you feel it?

Nerve-endings fired up, waiting for attack? That’s part of the attack.

The testing is already beginning.

How are you handling it? 

As for me, it’s already too much. 

I reject this “new normal”

but it ignores my rejection of it, and continues on,

as masked people in grocery stores don’t bother to make eye contact,

as conversation and connection is suffocated and stifled.

Again, Christians, we have to hold each other up, take turns being strong and pulling other ones from the edge of the pit. There is a sun, there is spring, God is love, Christ is risen! This is TRUE and it is all that is true! We must hold fast despite all dark winds and loud voices.

We must remind each other, sing it, say it aloud every hour, every day.

Our help is still in the name of the Lord, Maker of Heaven and Earth

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