Friday, April 19, 2013

Random Recommendations


Baptism and Courage
We were born for such a time as this.

Weak on Sanctification?
By grace we have been saved, now let's get to work? No.  Read here to further understand why the Christian gets to be Weak and Loved throughout his life. God does the verbs.  We are beloved, chosen, sanctified, helped, and cared-for.  We can rest in our honored place as the direct object of God's work.

Satan would have us spend all our time measuring our good works and nervously playing interior decorator for the Jesus who is knocking at the door of our heart. St. Paul would have us not worrying about that sort of thing at all, giving us that time back to focus on Jesus, the great gifts and consolations He gives to us, and also focus on others for His name’s sake.

Holler for Mercy
What do you want? We don't always know.

Comfort Dogs in Boston
Mercy work in response to tragedy

The Juvenilization of Christianity
The rise of the youth culture, and how the church responded (or didn't,) and what happened next.

Cheap Date
I really, really love this idea for a cheap date!

The Most Loving Thing I've Done as a Mom
"I love my kids so much that I'm willing to sweep them aside... when their dad walks through the door."


How well do you know your salt?
Me, not very well!

The Real top 11 biggest lies of mainstream nutrition
Very interesting... I think I'm coming around to this way of thinking. What do you think?

Talking to Children about Real Food
Red light, yellow light, and green light foods- I admit the standards in this post are higher than mine, but I like this way of speaking about food with children.

1 comment:

  1. Well hey! Thanks for the plugs. I'm honored that you reccomend my little ponderings.


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