Friday, September 23, 2016

Kiddo, Will You Pray for Me?

To be fair, mothers, I don’t think this is entirely our fault, this tendency to think we are the Ultimate Need Meeters for our families and children. Our job starts out this way.

As an expectant mother, my tiny child really is 100% dependent on me, and I am 100% required for his or her survival. The weight of it is on me, and there is nobody that can pick that job up for me, even for one minute, to give me a break.
My Weakness/His Strength:
See the whole series
Then, the little newborn comes and we find (normally) that things don’t change much. We can and do meet those little needs, and the baby seems to think we are still 100% essential to his or her survival. And I welcome that chubby needy thing into my arms, and I hear a contented sigh just because the arms are MINE, and I am in love. I like to be the one with the magical powers that can soothe the precious little one when nobody else can.

Honestly, I’d like things to stay this way. I’d like my children to have small needs forever, and I would like to be the one who meets those needs, forever. In other words (brutal honesty!) I’d like to be their god. I’ll provide all things for them, and they will praise me, and all will be well in the world.

Now that these thoughts are on paper, I can see clearly: this is impossible. I can’t meet all their needs, even if I wanted to, and really, I shouldn’t want to. They have God for that. He is the only perfectly dependable and loving need-meeter. He is the one who will keep His promise to never forsake them, Who is bigger than the evils they face, Who will give them their daily bread.

God’s dependability, not mine: this should be the source of security for my children.

I’d still rather be the strong one. I still squirm when I am brought low and I know I need to ask the little people to forgive me and pray for me. But when I do, I see their little hearts soften towards me, and I see them grow and learn:

He is the Rock. I am not.
When you say “Mama is having a hard day today. Will you pray for me, honey?”
Children learn:

  • Mom can’t meet all of my needs all the time.
  • Mom needs God’s help to do what she does.
  • God serves me through my mom and other people.
  • I can serve my mom by praying for her and helping her.
  • When people are struggling, they ask God and others for help.
  • When I see others having a hard day, I should pray for them.
  • Even moms are human, and humans need Jesus.


Do you wish you could meet your little one’s needs forever?
Have you ever received help from your little child on a bad day?
What do you think children learn when they see mom with her needs hanging out like this?


  1. I love this! It's true, they need to see us weak so they can see the power of God through us. He is who they need to depend on. Our weakness should point them to that. Thanks for this!

    1. Such a hard lesson, but so important for us and our children :)
      Thanks for commenting Christina!

  2. Beautiful! I'm not a mom, but I am a daughter, sister, friend and wife and I feel like this applies to all relationships. I especially love your last bullet: "Even moms are human, and humans need Jesus." Fill in the blank -- Even moms are human, even sisters are human, even friends are human, even wives are human . . . :)

    1. Yes, Sarah, that is exactly right! It is true of all of us, none of us are above it- we need Jesus! Even moms, even... pastors! (daddy!)

      Thanks for commenting!

    2. Hey, wait now... I resemble that! LOL

      And I definitely need Jesus. I can’t even meet my own needs, let alone my wife’s, children’s, grandchildren’s, and congregation needs. We all are week and loved by God. He meets our every need. Sometimes in surprising ways.

    3. Haha you do resemble that! :)

      Thanks for commenting and sharing Rich! And yes, surprising ways. Like for me, today, through my own children! (they CAN clean up around here!)

  3. I so needed to read this today. I feel so inadequate when I try to be everything my family needs. I pray that they - and I - will rely on God more.

    1. Laura, it is so hard, isn't it? We ARE inadequate. I sure wish it wasn't so! But then... there is grace. even for moms.

  4. "God’s dependability, not mine: this should be the source of security for my children." LOVE this! So true! It is so very important for us to model the relationship that we long for them to have. Seeing us pray is just one aspect of that. Thanks for sharing this wonderful word today!

    1. Yes Wendy, it is so good for them to see us pray, both for them and for ourselves. I got in the habit of praying for my baby when I hug him (thanks Jesus for making me his mama); It would probably be wise to also say "Help me be his mama" in that prayer!

  5. New follower from the Wednesday Wander Blog Hop. I can totally relate to this. Thanks for the reminder. I struggle all the time with worrying about things that are out of my control, and I always have to remind myself to give it to God.

  6. Replies
    1. Thank you Denise. This mama always needs it.

  7. So comforting to know that our kids have a CONSTANT NEVER CHANGING God isn't it? As much as we want to be perfect there is NO way and it seems like the more I try the LESS perfect I am. Thanks so much for linking up to In the Word Wednesdays!!!

    1. It really is. If it were all up to me (and my strength or stability) they would have no hope!!!

  8. How cool is that! Thank you Melissa!

  9. So sweet. I can relate. I have had moments where my kids, when young, said precious, comforting things to me. It's the best. And it IS good for them to see that we are human too...we need God, like they do. Beautiful post. I just joined Into the Word b/c I'm so happy to find other Christian women bloggers! I don't write about God everyday, but want a weekly post to do that. He is mentioned often in other posts. :-)

    1. Welcome to Weak and Loved! You will find lots of being human here... and lots of grace too! I hope to see you again! God's blessings!

  10. "God’s dependability, not mine: this should be the source of security for my children."

    I think I am going to have this cross-stitched into a wall hanging for my house!
    Praise Him and His abundant Love & Mercy & Strength!

    What a fabulous post Emily, May these words be glued to My heart & My weak prideful mind. :)

    1. If you make a wall hanging, make one for me too! These things are easier to write than they are to live! :)

      Prayers for you and all moms out there today! Lord help us!

  11. You have this way at getting at my heart and making me tear up....God has blessed me w/your work...I need to open up like this and talk w/my little one about prayer's the most exciting world as he grows up....
    incredible points here I never thought about..
    thank you! and for linking!
    :) m

    1. Michy, you are very kind :) I do so love making people cry! (haha, I'm kidding!) Prayers for you on this journey of motherhood... may God help all of us point our babies to Him!

  12. "God’s dependability, not mine: this should be the source of security for my children." So true! Thanks for this reminder today!

    1. Easy to write, harder to live :) God, help us!

  13. Oh my goodness, so true! I just had my little one about a week and a half ago, but I need to remember those words; "I'm having a hard day, will you pray for me." THanks for that truth.

    Thank you also for linking up with us this week!

    1. You're welcome and thanks for visiting! Hope to see you again!

  14. My guys respond to my "bad" days in different ways. My oldest asks if I'm ok, then gives me space. My middle one will ask if I need help with anything, or if he can do something for me. My youngest gives me hugs and kisses, and rubs my back. Such sweet boys! I thank God for them. I have not, however, ever asked them to pray for me. I'm embarrased to say that! Kind of a smack-youself-on-the-forhead moment... Thanks for the eye-opener. And for the thoughts that it can be a wonderful teaching moment. For all of us. I CANNOT handle life alone. They CAN do something to help.

    1. Wow Jenny, those little guys of yours are so thoughtful! My little guys are younger so I think when I am having those days it makes them feel very unsettled, and when they are unsettled they get.. CLINGY. That's the LAST thing I want to have on those days- boys holding my legs and whining at me while they push each other away!

      Even thought I can write it, asking them to pray for me still feels pretty unnatural :) (I think it's the humility it takes! ick!)

  15. Being honest in front of our children is the only way to help them learn to meet the needs of others. Well said and done. Thanks for linking up with us at NOBH. Every blessing, Kelly

    1. Thank you Kelly. Easier to say then do, of course, but God help me I try :) Blessings to you and thanks for coming by from NOBH! Love that place!

  16. Some great thoughts! Thank you for posting on Saturday Show and Tell. I hope you'll be back this week.

  17. I loved how you said that we end up being like a god to them, when we try to meet all their needs all the time. How true, we are human, we can't, but God can! We need to teach them this fact at a young age that God is the one who will meet their needs. I also think it's important to teach them to pray for family members. Excellent post!


    1. Thank you Shari! It seems like an easy concept (I can't meet all their needs) but how often I forget it! :)


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